Morphology and its types

Morphology and its types

Biology’s study of the dimensions, forms and internal relationships of plants, animals, and microbes is known as morphology. The concept describes the basic biological features of a plant’s or animal’s component arrangement and structure. Both the form, shape, and structure of internal components like bones and organs as well as aspects of the exterior look, or external morphology, are included in this.

Morphological classification principles

Closely related plant and animal species can be distinguished by subtle changes in size, color, and proportion. While typically not unique to a single division or phylum, the main categories, or phyla, of the kingdoms of plants and animals are characterized by features that appear in distinctive combinations in each. The existence or non – availability of cell differentiation., the possibility that an animal is either single-celled or made up of a variety of cell types that are each specialized to carry out specific functions—is the basic morphological trait that is used to categorize animals and determine their evolutionary relationships.

Types of morphology

Morphology gives us a foundation for understanding functionality, taxonomy, inheritance, ecosystem, evolution, and other biological branches, giving us a base from which to explore other biological branches. There are different types of morphology which include:

cellular morphology

The field of research known as cellular morphology studies the composition, arrangement, and size of prokaryotes within a cell. The shape and size of cells vary. Wall-building epithelial cells restrict substances from freely moving from one end to the other. Squamous denotes a wide shape, cuboidal a cube, and columnar a rectangle. While fat accumulation cells are large and spherical, nerve cells are thin and long.

Tissue morphology

Tissue morphology

For cell function and tissue growth, the proper nuclear location is essential. However, the cytoskeletal components in charge of nuclear placement differ depending on the cell setting. Different functional morphologies exist among tissues. Long, twisted bundles are formed by skeletal muscle cells. Lung epithelial epithelium contains grape-like cell sacs that effectively exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide. Walking and running cause injuries that cartilage absorbs.

Organ morphology

Similar patterns of function and structure can be found in organ morphology. Multiple tissues are functionally grouped together to form organs. Even both sides of the body are not quite equal, and several human internal organs (e.g., the heart) are not symmetrical. This work advances our understanding of the entire body by clarifying how organs are created. There are four chambers in the heart. The muscle walls of the ventricles are thicker than those of the atria.

Whole Organism

The morphology of the creature is at its best. In biology, there are numerous morphological examples. The two fundamental anatomical planes in animals are radial symmetry which can be found in starfish and bilateral symmetry found in lobster. Running limb structure is different from swimming fin structure. To maintain balance and regulate body temperature, dolphins have five fins. Cheetahs can run quickly because of their light, aerodynamic bodies.


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